title: "Deed Planet Reserved stamped with letter to world leaders" 2020

foto: George Terberg Wim van Sijl Henk Wijnen 2020

The most exciting exhibition on Earth
The Planet Reserved exhibition, on show in Kunstruimte Coal.2 in Ijsselstein, is the most exciting exhibition on Earth.
It began nine months ago when Henk Wijnen hung up a large canvas diagonally in the exhibition space. On the canvas, Boogbrug Vianen was reserved for an exoplanet, as yet still to be discovered. The space was supplemented six months later with a platform, a chair, a desk and a deed. The deed was signed in the historic town hall of IJsselstein by 57 witnesses, of which 43 signed on the spot and executed by 2 notaries – a deed in which a celestial body was reserved for art. That was no sinecure!
The photographer George Terberg decided to perpetuate the undersigning ceremony, and his contribution was added to the exhibiton as a third phase by winter solstice 2019. In the group portrait, Henk Wijnen is seated at a desk undersigning a letter to world leaders regarding recognition of the deed in the presence of two notaries and two witnesses.
The multilayered character of the exhibition and the expansive content of Wijnen’s work together make the Earth turn and startle the sun.
The exhibition is on show on Walkade until March, to be followed by the contribution of Veroon van den Heuvel. Walkade is a satellite of Museum Ijsselstein.

oct. 2019 - apr. 2020 "Ensemble" signing deed:
platform - desk - deed with metal folder - stamp - chair with print, (the print reflects the 1st era (inflation era) of the universe

fotobeelden planeet RESERVED#2050
2000 - . . . .